Friday, July 13, 2007


I have no big news at this time, but I am now back from my three trips to Hawaii. We had our prenatal test for down syndrome on Monday and the baby looks normal. We'll know more when my blood work comes back from the lab. I thought we would have about a 10-minute ultrasound as part of the test, but we were there for over an hour. Our baby is either misbehaving already or is completely content - it would not turn to give the nurse a good view of its head and neck (apparently what they need to do the test). I just figured the baby was still on vacation from being in Hawaii. Despite two restroom breaks and laying on my side, the baby just wouldn't turn. It did plenty of jumping and waving while we watched, but no turning. Well, the nurse became frustrated and got the doctor. It took him about 10 minutes to get the measurements he needed. I would post pictures, but the nurse forgot to give them to us. Rest assured, the baby has two arms, two legs, one head, and (we think) five fingers on each hand.

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