Thursday, August 9, 2007

Beating Fast

I had my monthly appointment with the doctor today, so I was reminded to write about the baby. We again heard the baby's heartbeat and it was pounding very fast. As they say, no news is good news and so far, there are no complications with the baby or my body. The down syndrome test and my blood work came back as "normal", so there is no cause for concern at the moment. We scheduled the anatomical ultrasound in two weeks, so we hope to make the gender announcement at that time. I'll have more fun referring to the baby as "he" or "she" instead of "it".

People always ask me how I "feel", so you might be curious. As far as feeling the baby, I have not had any distinguishable movement, but I do feel something like gas bubbles (or butterflies) that is a new sensation. As far as my health goes, I am doing quite well. I feel so lucky that I have not had nausea during the pregnancy. I am starting to feel the extra weight in my back and I now have trouble sleeping on my stomach. Perhaps I'll start taking and posting belly photos for you to see. Fortunately, I can still wear my pre-pregnancy shorts, so I should make it through the summer with my seasonal wardrobe. But, I'll be weariing "new" (bigger) back-to-school clothes this fall.

1 comment:

Grandma N said...

I was told those "butterflies" are the baby's movements.

Love to all
Grandma N