Tuesday, November 6, 2007

42 inches

Nope.. not my height. Try again...

Nope.. not my bust size (even though I am pregnant!)

That's the circumference around my belly, as measured by Bridget during a game at my baby shower last weekend. Two people exactly guessed my belly size! My wonderful high school friends threw our baby a shower of kindness (and many gifts). We have one lucky baby.

I have to say that I felt like my students during the shower... Bridget quizzed us about nursery rhymes and I think I scored 11 / 16. I suppose that's a passing grade, but I have some studying to do before the baby comes! For example, I have not heard of Jack Spat (Sprat) ... see, I can't even remember the name of the character. I quizzed Tom when I returned home and he got 15 /16!! I now know who the nursery rhyme expert in the family is. It's no surprise that the winners of this game, with 16 / 16, were Tricia (a kindergarten teacher) and Audrey (a kindergarten student).

Here are my wonderful friends (some have brought me close to 30 years of absolute joy). Thanks to everyone who helped with organizing the shower! Thank you, Carol, for entertaining us in your home. Thank you, Kristin, for being the point person. Thank you, Bridget, for the great games and prizes. Thank you, Rachy and Jamie, for the yummy baked goods. And I thank everyone else for your love, generosity, and kindness.

Here are our baby's future playmates (Benjamin - 4.5 months, Sophia - 6 weeks, Jacob - 8.5 months with mothers Bridget, Rachy, and Lori):

And, I can't forget Jamie's cupcakes:

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